
Saturday, December 29, 2012

I wish it could be Christmas all year long!

LOL, I wish! Christmas is definitely my favorite holiday and I really wouldn't mind it being Christmas every day. I love the warm feeling of Christmas, the decorations and the smell, I love love love the smell of the Christmas tree and all the Christmasy scent like cinnamon and peppermint. But most of all, I love how it brings all of my family together. I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas and have a new year full of love, peace, and happiness.

Every year, we put our coins in a vase and then around late November or early December, we take it to the Coin Star machine and whatever money we make from it, we use it towards our Christmas tree. I'm not sure how much trees cost in the mainland, but here in Hawaii, it ranges from $70-$90 for a 7 ft. tree. This year we made $107.47 from our coins and our tree was about $85, so it felt like we didn't need to dig deep in our pockets for a tree. And we still had leftovers to buy more ornaments for the tree.

It seems like every year we have a different theme for our tree. I've already decided since last year that our tree was going to be country/rustic inspired. I usually buy the decorations the day after Christmas from the previous year since everything is 50-60% off, but a lot of my ornaments this year I bought at regular price. But I did score all the poinsettias from last years after Christmas sale at Ben Franklin and I got the burlap ribbons for 40% off at their Black Friday sale. I think I've collected enough ornaments, so no more shopping for those. I love how our tree looked this year, so it looks like we'll be using the same one next year.

Unfortunately we don't have a chimney to hang our stockings, but our TV stand did the job :)

My bf had me write out my Christmas Wish list since he needed a little help this year and I had him do the same. I got almost all of the things I had on my list except the MK tote since they sold out of it. It's ok though, because he still managed to surprise me with some SpaFinder gift cards and the perfume I really wanted. Undies for days, Lash Stash from Sephora, Third Season of the Vampire Diaries, Flawless perfume, SpaFinder gift cards, and a Naked2 palette...I am definitely one happy girl :) I didn't expect him to get all these things for me since making the list was just to give him an idea of what I wanted, but I am truly grateful for everything he has given me.

And since everyone else knows how much I love my makeup, my sister and her bf got me the Lorac Eye Candy Full Face Collection that I cannot wait to try out. Bestie James got me a Hello Kitty Brush Set and my cousin Cherry got me Stila In The Know Eyeshadow Palette. I can't wait to play with all of these! Next year, I might have everyone buy me a single MAC brush each as a gift so I can get a full collection :P jk, although it wouldn't be a bad idea.

Monday, December 17, 2012


And the winners for my giveaway are:

Congratulations Ladies!!!
Please check your emails :)

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Holiday Giveaway: Sparkle Jewelry (US followers only) [CLOSED]

Be one of the three to win one of these lovely Sparkle Jewelry by Laurie bracelets! I loved the one I was given to do a review on so much that I wanted to share them with you for the holidays. As you can tell by the pictures, they're just beautiful! Unfortunately, this giveaway will only be for my US followers. I want to be able to send it to the winners before Christmas and with the little time we have before then, this will be a very short giveaway. Don't worry, there will be more giveaways coming for all of my followers! Who knows, maybe I'll include more of these lovely bracelets :) End date for this giveaway is Sunday, December 16, 2012 and 3 winners will be chosen.

The winners will receive their prize in the order they're chosen. 




**Please read Requirements carefully**

Open to US followers only

(If you are younger than 18, please have parental consent)
- Follow my blog publicly via GFC
- Follow Sparkle Jewelry's Facebook Fan Page here
- Post this giveaway banner on your blog:
- Post this giveaway banner on your sidebar along with a link to my blog (add a link to my blog or make my banner as a link):
 - Leave a comment below with:
  • GFC Name:
  • First Name:
  • Facebook Name:
  • Email Address:
  • Link to post of the banner on your blog:
  • Link to the banner on your sidebar:
 - If the winner does not have all the requirements and does not respond to my email to notify them of their winning within 24 hours, a new winner will be chosen.

**Once items are shipped to the winners, I will not be held responsible for lost or damaged products. Sorry ;(**

The winners will be chosen via
Giveaway will end Sunday, December 16, 2012 at 11:59 PM HST
and will be announced on Monday, December 17, 2012

Good luck & Happy Holidays everyone!!!